Evolving Minds and Souls | Evolve your soul | Controlling Energy | The Journey to Heaven

‘Explanations that make sense’
‘If it feels right in your soul, it is right’
Copyright 2014 – This document is fully protected by copyright law. V8.9.14
Current direction:
‘Evolving Minds and Souls’, is a company that provides structured educational content, with written content like books, spoken media in audio books, seminars and webinars, and video, formal and structured, or more casual.
The Mind Development Methodology, from my book, The Mindfield, by Ronald G. Matthews, is the ideal for epic productions of educational content. Resources are the constraint, which limit the scale of the ‘epic production’.
Evolving Minds and Souls is not a religion, and does not wish to be a religion, though theology governs it. The thinking and theology however, are unique, and have never been expressed in such a manner. Ron, and the company, are focused on helping those people that want to evolve their Souls, and fully understand how to live a loving lifestyle.
Everyone has a ‘soul’, and everyone deserves equal access to understanding their soul. All people, that believe in one ultimate Supreme Being, which is the Ultimate Creator. There must have been a beginning.
The Products and Programs are focused on the human soul, and all the elements in the two worlds it lives, both the seen world and the unseen world of unknown energy creations. That means we are focused on increasing a person’s awareness of this world, cleansing the soul of bad feelings, defending the soul from evil, engaging the soul’s help to create good deeds, and the purification of the soul, for a life of heaven on earth. Jesus used the parable of the wedding feast, as our instructions to prepare our souls for heaven.
Our soul, is the only part of us, that lives after the physical body has passed. It is eternal. The Human Soul is not like any other spirit. It has it’s own intelligence, both of this world and the unseen spiritual world. It is our helper. It has great creativity, and has power over evil and over Mother Nature. The soul can literally do anything we can believe. Our job is to build belief.
My first book, ‘THE POINT’ by Ronald G. Matthews, is a complete work, and is the basis for the thinking and theology, concerning the soul and the the entirety of CREATION.
1. All religions that believe in The Ultimate Creator, knows that our five physical senses are limited to material creations. The soul is our only connection to the spiritual world. Understanding the soul is a necessary awareness.
2. THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH is an energy form of unknown type, that can take any form instantly. It is impossible to determine the origin of God. Creation of all things physical, can not happen without an Ultimate Creator. Nor can we determine how anything can exist. It is not within the understanding of our programming. God simply IS. The evidence is preponderous, but even without physical evidence, God can be felt and seen by the soul. The soul reports pure truth to the mind. The mind alters in real time.
3. IT IS PROVEN THAT JESUS WAS BORN THE NIGHT THREE PLANETS WERE ALIGNED, used by some King’s astrologers, to predict the birth and death of kings. The three aligned, meant the birth of the KING OF KINGS.
Jesus teachings validate our explanations of the soul, and without his examples, we would know little about the soul. But even without Jesus, the soul is hard wired to know what is right and what is wrong. The Soul is not confused, about what feels good, and what feels bad. The potential power of the soul is revealed with Jesus teachings and actions.
4. Christian Holy Book, the Holy Bible – The Bible is proven to be tainted in place. Jesus explained that it is the LIVING ENERGY, or the SPIRIT OF SCRIPTURE, that contains the truth, and the literal will lead one to Hell, which is the wrong direction. In Ronald G. Matthews book, ‘The Point’, Ron shows where and how, that many biblical passages are wrong, inserted, or misinterpreted. Some of these have great consequence and some not.
The great teacher Jesus said that the literal text of the Bible is defined with spiritual energy that is called a spirit. Jesus said to use only the literal is to ‘MISS THE POINT’. That the spiritual has a much greater feel than the literal.
Jesus rebuked the Religious Leaders over and over. He said that literal interpretation was leading the sheep to Satan, not God. They were not living love. This warning about religion, covers all religions, that do not FOCUS ON A LIFE OF LOVE. LOVE FOR SELF INCLUDES LOVING YOUR SOUL. LOVE FOR OTHERS MEANS LIFTING THEIR GOOD FEELINGS, AND LOVE FOR GOD MEANS LOVING ALL THAT GOD GAVE US. WE DO NOT LOVE EVIL, BUT UNDERSTAND IT CREATED SPIRITUAL CHOICE FOR OUR SOUL.
‘FEELING THE SPIRIT’ of Scripture, or any creation, is difficult, but can be taught. One must learn how to connect to the spirit. The truth of Jesus teachings is hidden in the spirit, or the feeling, we call energy. Only the soul, can feel the truth or untruth of scripture. The mind limits the Soul’s ‘feelings and messages’, as best it can. The mind must come to understand the soul, in order to take conscious control of the soul. The Soul is the responsibility of the Mind.
5. DARK BEINGS, we call demons, work for the former archangel Lucifer, who became Satan, with God’s reprogramming. We assume, or surmise, that Mankind, did live in a Utopian world, called ‘the Garden of Eden’, but were bored, and were boring to God. God provided Challenge, contention, free spiritual choice, and Creativity. The ‘Garden World’ ceased to exist, when the flood sent Noah afloat. After that, mankind would not physically live beyond 120 years.
Now, each person makes up their own mind whether to build a Heaven on Earth, which foundation is LOVE. Our choice now, establishes the path, once we our physical body expires. That is the free choice mankind was given.
God waits for ‘Man’ to choose to learn how to love, and live a life of love, but dark forces do not wait, and take every advantage to destroy the soul, create negative thinking, and dark behavior. Thought control is a necessary awareness.
7. INTUITION, is the unaltered Streaming thoughts and feelings from the SOUL TO THE MIND. The soul never lies.
8. The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, and other Apostles, provide us with ample evidence of the true ‘Feeling Energy’ or ‘Spirit’ of the teachings of Jesus.
9. Evolving Minds and Souls uses only the ‘Felt Energy’ of Jesus teachings, and does not teach Paul ‘the Apostle’ or other interpreters of Jesus teachings. That is not to say Paul was wrong. It is to say, we must use the source teachings and not interpretations of the source.
10. JESUS TAUGHT THAT HE SPOKE ONLY THE ‘EXACT WORDS OF GOD’ that were given him during his 40 days of fasting in the wilderness. Summed up: Jesus brought us the new rules for our souls entering heaven. Previously, we would have needed to be perfect, and from the chosen races. Now, ALL PEOPLE ARE SAVED, if they choose to be.
11. JESUS DEATH PAID THE PRICE FOR ALL SIN, FOR ALL MAN, FOR ALL TIMES, SINCE LIFE BEGAN. Jesus now has the keys to heaven. Once MUST LIVE A LIFE OF LOVE, to pass through the gates. That is the only requirement. We consciously do our best to love all creations of God, and that shows our love for God.
12. We pray and worship GOD, THE CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, and only GOD. In the ‘Lord’s Prayer’, Jesus states clearly that we are to pray only in this way, “OUR FATHER, Who is in Heaven….” Jesus made it very clear to pray only to ‘The Father’, and to make sure we stipulate GOD IN HEAVEN. This eliminates any confusion.
Jesus told us to not worship him, or any creation other than God the Creator. Anything less than God, is an idol, which is not ‘of God’.
God’s energy is always building, affirming, growing, and never draining, to the soul. God’s discipline can be difficult and painful at times, but will mold us, and get us focused on living a life of LOVE.
13. The soul is damaged by all bad behavior the person does, or is done to them. Man is easily used by dark forces. Man must learn how to know when darkness is present and working. New awareness is needed to reveal the soul’s power over evil. When the soul remains damaged, it becomes impaired with woundedness, akin to open sores. It becomes putrefied, hardened, and calloused with neglect.
The unaware mind, will numb the pain of the soul, and does not want to acknowledge that damage. Addictions are common. Bad Thoughts and behavior, damages the soul. Good behavior will nourish the soul. But only understanding, will RESTORE THE SOUL.
14. FAITH: Jesus explained faith. Faith is a true belief without doubt. One has faith, that ‘a spiritual being’, can do something that the body cannot.
Faith does not involve the five senses, or anything physical. Jesus referred to different types of faith. One is faith in God.
One type of faith was revealed in the healings and demonic purging by Jesus. One type of faith, is in the power of your own soul. This type of faith, was demonstrated by the woman that touched Jesus robe. Jesus said ‘it was her soul, and not his, that healed her.
Another type of faith, was with the soldier. Jesus said his faith ‘In Jesus ability’ was the greatest he had witnessed. The soldier knew that Jesus did not have to be present, for his Soul to heal the soldiers servant. This showed the power of the soul over distance.
15. THE MIND is the source that controls engagement of the soul. The TRUE BELIEFS OF THE MIND ENGAGES THE SOUL TO ACTION. But the soul itself must determine how to get other creations to do what the mind wants. The Soul has it’s own intelligence and it’s own creativity. Strong, and highly focused ‘thoughts’, are sufficient to engage the soul to action.
Jesus said, ‘WITH THE FAITH OF A MUSTARD SEED’, ONE COULD DO LITERALLY ANYTHING’. Jesus was able to manifest food, wine, and other physical miracles, out of thin air. One should contemplate that.
16. Evolving Minds and Souls teaching is complimentary to any religion. Anyone that is religious, or not, will benefit by the teaching. It is not intended to be disruptive to one’s chosen religion. All religions that teach love, benefit from our teachings.
17. The ‘Evolving Minds and Souls’ (EMS) organization, is for people that want to insure, their life on earth is heavenly, and the Soul’s life after bodily death is IN HEAVEN.
Evolving Minds and Souls is focused, on being a source of uplifting energy to others souls.
18. The EVOLVE YOUR SOUL PROGRAM is in seven parts, and is currently taught in Ron’s book, THE POINT, on Amazon.
19. Evolving Minds and Souls believes that our duty to God, is to preserve and restore the earth. Our responsibility is global. We believe in sustainable living. Sustainable includes, returning the land and sea to complete health. We believe that mankind has been the source of abuse to the earth, and to God’s creations.
EVOLVING MINDS AND SOULS, IS ABOUT EDUCATING the people that want educating. It is not for the highly resistant. The future is intended to include programming that is instructional about the many parts of LIFE, THE SPIRITUAL WORLD, AND ACADEMIC CONTENT.
THE FUTURE of ‘Evolving Minds and Souls’
Evolving Minds and Souls is an organization that will use the many forms of media to spread the message of LOVE, and that JESUS IS FREE. We intend to have every form of spiritual help available on our web sites, such that a full and complete spiritual experience can be attained, anywhere in the world, and at anytime of the day.
We believe ‘Sin’ is defined in our own soul. The soul always knows what is good and what is bad. The mind alters in real time. Sin did not disappear, but judgment for sin did disappear. We now judge ourselves. Heaven is now for good people. It is our choice, which direction we take in our lives.
We believe we must fully engage our bodies and souls for the good. We are not passive. We are highly passionate and compelled to raise the good energy around us.
Evolving Minds and Souls believes in full awareness of the forces of good and evil. Having comprehensive knowledge of good and evil allows one to be fully aware of the forces that are involved in any situation. It is instrumental in drawing the right conclusions. Being aware of evil demons is consistent with ‘staying closer, to our enemies’. The demons of Satan are the enemies. We must know what they are up to, for the protection of our soul.
Our guiding light is love. Jesus taught that an attitude of love for ourselves and others, is how we show our love for God. Jesus said LOVE OF GOD, SELF AND OTHERS is the entire answer. Jesus offered the example of ‘The Good Samaritan’ to explain love for others. The spirit of that story is broad and will be addressed separately.
Evolving Minds and Souls considers ‘Detachment’, is a voluntary shutdown of the soul. Detachment is not part of our teaching. ‘Love’ does not control and manipulate. It allows and encourages the good in a person. We are passionate about love.
Note: From the very beginning when first man and woman disobeyed God, sending Jesus was an inevitable event. God tested the last good man Job. He sent prophets. What was left was to change the rules.
Previously, God promised Abraham that his offspring would go to heaven. The ‘Spirit of the law of Abraham’, was that the followers of God, also live a life as pure as Abraham. We know God tested Abraham, even to the point, of sacrificing his own son. Jesus said to the religious leaders that they were not the sons of Abraham, but the sons of Satan.
We believe the words in the ‘Lord’s Prayer’. “God’s Kingdom come… to earth, as it is in heaven” means we should make our life on earth more heavenly.
Part of our purpose on the earth is to pursue a life of goodness and beauty, which is heaven on earth. This is consistent with our divine purpose, which is to evolve our souls. The behavior of heaven is always one of love. If we follow the path of love, our soul will not be confused about it’s destiny.
Evolving Minds and souls believes, only mankind has two completely separate spirits. One spirit is governed by Mother Nature. That one is subject to the ‘laws of nature’. The other one is an eternal spirit, or the other self, and is called ‘the Soul’. The soul has power over demons and over nature. This makes our own soul, more powerful than Satan, or Mother Nature.
God can cause any result he so desires. Though mankind has free choice, in how they use their creativity, God will make real time changes, to accommodate human choice. If God wants something to happen, it will happen. God can also change his mind or his plans if he so desires. God does not change anything, without good cause.
God is ever watchful over all creations of the earth, seen and unseen. His ‘eye’ is everywhere, all the time.
Evolving Minds and Souls believes in the HOLY SPIRIT, which is the ‘hand’ of God on the earth. God instructs the Holy Spirit, what to do, and the Holy Spirit does it. The Holy Spirit brings new wisdom and power to humans. The Holy Spirit raised Jesus power, at his baptism by John. To refute the Holy Spirit, is to refute God.
We believe God will provide the ‘perfect answer’ to a prayer of petition. The answer might be a ‘No’, or ‘Not now’ or any variety of yeses. God will often answer prayer in a manner that you were not expecting. God may decide not to act on a prayer, if He sees you don’t believe you believe you are worthy, or that He will act perfectly. He may also act affirmatively on your prayer, even if you are not deserving, to build your faith.
Evolving Minds and Souls believes in the worship of God. Nothing less than full reverence for God, is acceptable. Expressing anger toward God can result in painful discipline. We show full respect for God, and full respect, for the feelings of all of God’s creations. Anything less is evil. In all our thoughts and actions, we show a full reverence for God, and what Jesus taught us about God.
Evolving Minds and Souls knows we cannot fully separate ourselves from evil. Isolation does not deter the demons. Jesus was clear that the wheat and the weeds cannot be separated until the harvest. Their roots are intertwined. We must know when demons show up and how to handle them. Until then, we limit our contact with anyone that is host to evil, that we are unprepared to handle.
AGAIN: We believe that ‘Jesus is free’ to everyone, and that everyone benefited, and not just the people that claim their belief in Jesus. He taught us, that a life focused on being consistently loving, provides us, both heaven on earth, and heaven for our soul.
Our mission is to clear the name of Jesus. His name has been used to separate, divide, and condemn.
We believe the name of Jesus has been used as a stumbling block to non Christians, which is condemnation. The name of Jesus has been used to abuse others. His name has been used for evil. We wish to end this self righteous attitude, of the oblivious evil doers.
Evolving Minds and Souls teaches that to achieve inner peace, one must synchronize the energies of the mind with the soul. This is when the mind has fully understood the soul is the source of pure truth.
Evolving Minds and Souls explains that your soul is ‘already fully engaged’ and always has been. The soul will ‘Help’ improve the results you get, with any endeavor you are fully engaged in. This demonstrates that the soul can, and is, used for both good and evil.
Evolving Minds and souls offers ‘explanations that make sense’, and that actually work to clear up the many messes. We say, ‘if it feels right in your soul, then it is right’. The feelings that feel right in the soul, provide ‘aha’ moments, an epiphany, or an awakening. This is when spiritual transformation begins. These changes affect every part of your life.
It is your Thoughts and Behavior, that guides your soul to heaven, both now and later. Your heart is the anchor for the soul, and the heart is used interchangeably with the soul. It also represents our source of life.
I welcome you, that are religious and those that are not, to be a part of our Evolving Minds and Souls organization.
A Name for our group is pending.