Bio: About Ron



About Ronald G. Matthews

Born in Portsmouth, Virginia on September 23

Birth family – Ron has two older brothers and one younger. His father retired from a career in the US Air Force. Ron’s mother was a homemaker and did downtown charity work for the homeless through a Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas

Where has Ron lived?  Ron has lived in Virginia, where he was born. He also lived in Mississippi, Florida, Texas, Maryland, Washington, Illinois, Vietnam, Tokyo, and multiple California cities and towns, both in Southern and Northern California

Ron’s work experience – Ron’s objective goal out of college was to experience every part of business to prepare him to lead a larger company


  • Ron heads Evolving Minds and Souls

Author | World Spiritual and Eductional Leader | Visionary | Life, Spiritual and relationship Coach | Educational Motion Picture Entertainment Programming – Production and Distribution


  • Four year involvement with film production for Television and Movies.  Ron studied hundreds of production techniques while on set, as research for his second book, The Mindfield.


  • Ron has worked in multiple direct sales positions and commission retail.


  • Ron has run the operations for two major student loan servicers, that contract with colleges to do the billing, collecting, accounting, and adherence to government regulations regarding those College based loans


  • Ron worked on contract as a Senior Technical Project Manager for A startup named Yipes, Wells Fargo Bank, Charles Schwab and Cisco Systems

  • Ron also worked on contract and provided Senior Systems Analysis to Loral Space and Missile Systems, and AT&T Technology Services

  • Ron worked on contract, providing the Data Network Design and Engineering, for Bank Of America. He also was an employee of Bank Of America, and worked as Technical liaison between the Main Data Center in San Francisco and the Technology Center in Concord, Ca.


  • Financial Aid Officer and Director of Financial Aid for Proprietary colleges.

  • Financial Aid on line evaluations, for a systems company in Westwood, Ca.

  • Admissions Counselor for a proprietary college…for the experience.

  • Director of Operations, for two major student loan servicing companies. As well, provided the detailed specifications and algorithms for a system rewrite, to a contracted Software company.

  • Director of Client Relations for one Student loan servicer – Relationships with college clients all over the United States, big and small.

  • Research Assistant, just after completing his BA degree. Evaluaton of student test scores, in five surrounding school districts


  • Ron has vast experience working.  To mention just a few of those jobs here: Steel fabrication factory experience, telephone installer, US Army Personnel Office Manager-Vietnam, Educational Research and many lesser jobs


  • Hardin Simmons University – One year in Abilene, Texas.

  • College: Orange Coast Jr. College – After US Army duty, completed his first two years of college in Orange County, Ca. Then he transferred to the California State University in Long Beach, Ca.

  • Postgraduate, studied Landscape Design at Orange Coast College, in Ca.

  • California State University Long Beach – Business Administration Bachelor of Art

  • University of California Berkeley for Data Communication Network Design

Family – Ron is currently unmarried. He has two adult children, a boy and a girl.

Religion: Ron was raised Christian, but his theology differs, and his church is in nature. Love is his religion.

This bio hits on the parts of Ron’s life that may be relevant

Places Ron Lived (Ron’s father was career military)

As a child Ron lived briefly in Virginia, Mississippi, Oregon, Texas, Florida, in both the countryside near a base, and in the middle of Tokyo, near Shibuya.

As an adult, Ron has lived mostly in California, with brief stays in Chicago, and with the Army, Texas, Maryland, Washington State and Vietnam